Thursday, May 28, 2015

10 Things About Me

 Katie over at Bower Power wrote a post introducing herself to her readers and invited others to join in.  I thought it sounded like a great idea since I am a newer blogger and many won't know much about me. So, here goes...

1. My husband Rob and I have been married for over 11 years.  We were introduced by my sister and brother-in-law.  He and I are opposites in many ways, but it seems to work out pretty good for us generally.  

Our wedding day December 20, 2003

2. I love the Lord with all my heart and seek His will daily!

3. My first real job (babysitting doesn't count) was as a lifeguard at my college's pool.  It was a pretty quiet pool.  I was often on duty when the swim team practiced so I got to do my homework since they didn't really need a lifeguard.  Plus, it was pretty decent money for a college job.    

4. Ever since I graduated from high school I have wanted to move out of Michigan.  I love warmer weather and think I am a southern girl at heart.  But, moving isn't going to happen so I am settling for traveling as much as possible.  

5. I drive a Ford F250 diesel crew cab truck and I love it!!  A truck had been my dream vehicle since high school.  I have driven my truck for almost 10 years and can't imagine not driving a truck for my main vehicle.  I also owned a Grand Prix for a few years that I drove back and forth to school and work because of the better fuel mileage but missed my truck when driving the car.

Me and my truck right after we got it.

6. Even though I'm in my 30's I still eat way too much candy.  Some of my favorites are Swedish Fish, Airhead Bites, Mini Chewy Sweetarts, Reese's Pieces, and licorice.  But in reality there isn't too much candy that I don't like.

In my fridge right now.

7. I love to read.  Quite often I'm drawn to romance novels but I also read my fair share of Christian fiction and nonfiction.  I've been reading a lot of military nonfiction lately.

Books I currently have checked out from the library.

8. Although not a real popular sport around here, I have been in love with the rodeo since high school.  I love going to rodeos when they have them close enough to me.  Unfortunately, that means I typically only see 1 or 2 a year.  I even dreamed of working for the PBR when I was in college and will still watch it whenever I can on TV.  Someday I am going to make it to Vegas to watch the PBR or NFR finals.  I would love to try barrel racing someday as well.

I made sure we could see the college nation finals rodeo the year went
went on vacation to Montana and Wyoming. 
I also made sure we stopped to see the Cody Nite Rodeo that same vacation.
Good thing Rob doesn't mind watching rodeos too much.

9. I am quiet and shy by nature and don't talk a lot when in newer surroundings.  But, if I know you well and am comfortable I talk quite a bit.  

10.  I really don't like talking on the phone.  I don't know why but it has never been something I enjoyed.  I much prefer to email, text, or talk in person.

(Sorry for some grainy pictures.  I took pictures of pictures so the quality isn't great, but it works.)

So that is 10 things about me.  Now I want to learn more about you!  You can post and link up or just put them right in the comments.  

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Farming Life

My husband took the week off to hopefully get all of his corn planted.  I thought I would ride with him a little bit this morning while he was discing one of the fields.  

Mornings like today make me enjoy living on a farm.  

Hope you're having a great Wednesday!!

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Rural Rush

I hope everyone had a great holiday weekend!  I am excited to be done with work until next Wednesday!  Still trying to figure out what I am going to fill my week off with.  Any ideas?

This past Friday I ran the Rural Rush for a Cure 5k this past Friday.  It is a small 5k put on by my high school football team benefiting the American Cancer Society.  It started 15 years ago after a player lost his battle with cancer and has been an annual event ever since.  It takes place in farm country and is a mostly flat looped course.

 Facebook Page

The weather was perfect, low 60's, sunny, and calm.  Plus I love evening races since I seem to feel most awake and energized at that time.  I started off strong and felt that I was doing good but I wasn't timing myself so I didn't know how fast I was running.  I had a great PR.  I finished in 26:09 and couldn't be happier.

I placed first in my age group again and even got a $10 gift card to a local running store.  These smaller races are great for boosting my confidence.  But, I am looking forward to a running in a couple larger events yet this summer.  Love how it feels to run with hundreds of other people also.  My goal of running a 5k in under 25 minutes is still a ways off but I'm determined to continue pushing myself to see what I can accomplish.  Any tips on running a faster 5k?

What fun things did you do this weekend?

Monday, May 25, 2015

Happy Memorial Day!

Hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day and enjoying the long weekend!  It's great to have time to celebrate and hopefully spend some time outside.  I am working today and also worked Saturday and Sunday but am looking forward to having the rest of the week off.  No matter what your plans are for today, make sure to stop and remember what we are really celebrating today.  Thank you to all who helped make America what it is today!


Thursday, May 21, 2015

I Did It

I just signed up and committed to my first ever half marathon!  Super excited but nervous at the same time.  

Duo at the Ledge is a small half marathon (just over 100 participants last year) that takes place on the 4th of July.  Seems like a great way to start the day, literally.  The race starts at 6:00 am but the excitement of the race should wake me enough since I am not usually a morning person.

Any training tips for running a half marathon?  I ran 10 miles yesterday so I know I can go the distance but I would love to finish and feel like I did well.  What's your favorite half marathon if you've ever run one?

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

May So Far

Wow. I can't believe it is already the 20th of May.  The month has flown by!  So what have I been up to the last couple weeks?  Let's see...

Two Saturday's ago I ran my first 10k ever.  The weather was in the low 60's but humid and misted on an off.  But overall I consider the race a great success.  I finished in just under 58 minutes and was able to place 3rd in the 30-39 year old female age group.  It was a rather hilly course but provided good scenery.  I forgot to take any pictures and don't want to pay for the official ones.  I have to get better at remembering the pictures.  Do you take pictures at races if you are by yourself?

DeWitt Take a Breath for PH and Get Moving for MS Races

Work has been keeping me busy.  That's nothing new though.  I am currently in a 4 day off stretch which I am really enjoying.  Resting up for this weekend.  I have to work Saturday, Sunday, and Monday so no exciting Memorial Day plans for me.  Oh well, they are predicting rain here anyways.

This past weekend Rob and I finally decided to stain our deck after talking about it for the 3 years we have lived here.  I now remember why I don't really like staining decks that much.  SPINDLES.  What a pain!  Still want to add a second coat to a couple parts but overall the transformation is awesome.  Such an improvement and well worth the many hours we spent pressure washing and staining.

Rob is getting ready to wash the deck.

Before pressure washing the deck off.

So much improvement after just the power washing.
Almost looks brand new or like it already has stain on it. 

Too shady but looks so much better.
I really like how the color turned out.

Now can we just get some consistently warm weather here so I can hang our hanging baskets to really make things look nice.  There was a freeze warning here last night and it was only in the 40's during the day.  But it could be worse, it could be snowing.

Currently I am watching my parents' dog Poppy while they are gone for a few days.  She's a pretty calm dog for the most part.  If only she liked my husband more.  She tends to bark at him whenever he comes or goes from the house.   Makes me miss having a dog, just not the dog hair.

Can you believe May is almost over?  Any exciting plans for this weekend or Memorial Day?

Monday, May 18, 2015

Tis the Season

If my yard is any indication, it is planting season here in West Michigan.  It has been a little too wet to get in the fields but my husband has been busy getting ready for when things dry out enough.

Stay tuned, I have a couple new posts planned for later this week.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Time Flies

Like the saying goes, time flies when you are having fun.  This seems to describe my life right now.  I have been enjoying life and this past few weeks have gone by really quickly.  So, what have I been up to?

Several weekends ago I helped judge cheerleading tryouts.  Haven't really talked about cheerleading on my blog, but I cheered in high school and then I also cheered all 4 years while I attended Hope College.  I even coached a high school team for a couple years after graduating from Hope.  Cheerleading was a big part of my life for 10 years and I welcome the chance to get involved again whenever the opportunity arises.

When my coach requested help, I jumped on the chance to help out.  It was great to go watch/judge many current and future Hope cheerleaders.  But, boy do I feel old when I think about how graduated from college 11 years ago!!  My skills might be a little rusty but I think I could jump back in pretty quickly.

Two weekends ago a good friend had a birthday and his wife bought him a new gun. To celebrate, 6 of us went to the gun range to do some shooting.  This was the first time I had ever shot a handgun.  It was a lot of fun and I am looking forward to doing it again sometime.  My husband would love to own a handgun of his own and I would like to get him one sometime, but boy they aren't cheap.  Something else to save up for I guess.

My husband loading the gun.

Looks like I kind of know what I'm doing.

This past weekend I worked so I wasn't able to enjoy the warm West Michigan weather but the rest of this week is looking pretty good.  Plus, it's Tulip Time here in Holland.  If you haven't heard about this festival, Google it sometime.  It's a fun celebration of the area's Dutch heritage.  I'm a Dutch Dancer and enjoy the chance to dance (in wooden shoes) several times over the week.  I've been dancing since I was a sophomore in high school and can't imagine not dancing each May.

Dutch Dancing

I'm in the mostly black costume
on the far right.
I'm a member of the education committee at my church and we had our annual appreciation dinner for all the volunteers on Sunday.  I was at work but I was in charge of the table decorations.  I helped set up for that this past week.  Decorations are simple, but it was still fun to plan.

Other than that it's been mostly normal everyday activities. What have you been up to lately?  Any fun plans coming up?  I am just really excited for warmer weather so I can get outside more.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Never Have I Ever...

  • Smoked.  I haven't even tried a cigarette.  I have no desire to either.
  • Ridden on a motorcycle.  I know a few people who have bikes so maybe someday I will have a chance to tag along on a ride.  I'm sure it would be fun, as long as done safely. 
  • Gotten drunk or had a hangover.  Typically I am okay with never having experienced these things, but every once in a while it would be nice to be able to relate to people when they talk about their experiences.  Most people just assume I know what they are talking about and I usually just go along with it.  But, I am not much of a drinker and I tend to be a rule follower and don't like to get too out of control, so drinking too much isn't generally that appealing to me.  
  • Been to an all-inclusive resort.  I am really hoping to be able to take this off the list in the next year though.  Rob and I are hoping to go on vacation to Mexico or the Caribbean in early 2016.  Any recommendations of where to go?
  • Tried sushi.  It just doesn't sound  appealing and I'm a picky eater.  Maybe if under the right circumstance I would be willing to try it. 
What are some things that you have never done?  Anything you wonder if I have done that is not on my list but think I should try, or maybe not try?